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Choose environmentally-friendly ALTERNATIVES to insect SPRAYS and HERBICIDES

Better, more convenient, cheaper, and HEALTHIER ways to combat unwanted weeds and mosquitoes exist. Healthier for our environment and more beneficial for you, your kids, and your pets.

We are happy to share alternatives to herbicides like RoundUp and mosquito fogs and sprays (save your money!!).

WHY it’s critical to NOT use herbicides like Round-up.

RoundUp contains glyphosate, which is toxic to aquatic organisms, including fish, turtles, and frogs. It will kill them and essential lake organisms that keep our lakes clean, clear and flourishing.

AND if your kids and pets are in the water? Keep in mind, glyphosate will be in the water too –

Understanding the dangers of glyphosate:

1. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide and by its nature, it impacts not just the plant(s) you spray it on, but also the surrounding plants and organisms. It is a systemic herbicide, meaning it moves throughout the plant tissues inhibiting plant growth.

2. It can remain in the soil for 60 days, and some studies show it can remain in the soil for as long as 6 months.

3. When applied near water, it will easily wash into our lakes and streams through run-off. Even at low concentration, it can have an adverse effect by disrupting the balance on our aquatic ecosystems. DNR Fact sheet regarding lakes/streams and glyphosates : Glyphosate’s half-life (the time it takes for half of the active ingredient to degrade) is between 3 days and 19 weeks depending on water conditions”

4. Lastly, glyphosates are harmful to our birds, pollinators and other beneficial insects who will use the poisoned plant material as food, shelter and nesting materials.

Bottom line: This chemical impacts not just the plants you spray it on, but also the surrounding area (plants you didn’t intend to kill) as well as birds, beneficial insects, amphibian and turtles. If sprayed near your shoreline, runoff will adversely impact fish and important microbiome needed to keep our lake healthy.

GOOD NEWS! there are more natural ways to tackle unwanted weeds.

It works using only vinegar, salt and a little dishsoap like Dawn ! Try it and let us know !

Working together to keep our land, lakes, and streams clean and healthy is easy. Thank you for safeguarding our natural resources for the benefit of future generations.


MOSQUITO PROBLEM?? We all hate them !

Are you spraying for mosquitoes or hiring someone to fog your property?

You mean well, but it’s at the peril of our honeybees, native pollinators, and other beneficial insects.

Many companies claim their sprays/fogs are all-natural, made from plants, or proven safe for pets, people, and beneficial insects. Please ask to see the science behind the claim and do your homework. Chemicals are chemicals no matter their origin.

Pyrethroid-based insecticides kills all insects, not just targeted mosquitoes.

Also, some people are sensitive to chemicals and experience effects like skin, eye, nose / throat irritation or even breathing problems. This chemical residue can linger on outdoor surfaces.

You can get them before they can bite!!

Did you know sprays/fogs only kill mosquitoes in the adult stage? The best way to control mosquitoes is in the egg/larval stage.

HERE'S an easy, low cost, and highly effective ALTERNATIVE that you can do yourself.

1. Place a 5-gallon bucket in a sunny location in your yard and fill it about ½ way with water, add a handful of straw or hay. After several days, it will be irresistible to female mosquitoes looking to lay her eggs.

2. Go to your local garden store, fleet farm or Amazon and buy MOSQUITO DUNK tablets. Add a tablet to your bucket. These are natural larvicides, and will kill the TARGETED insect larvae. You are now killing massive amounts mosquitoes and ONLY mosquitoes.

CONGRATULATIONS !! Try it and let us know !

It's satisfying and rewarding knowing we are all working together to keep our land, lakes and streams clean and healthy. Thank you for safeguarding our natural resources for the benefit of future generations. Together, we can make a positive impact on the well-being of our lake ecosystem ..... one small step at a time.


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Waupaca Chain O'Lakes Association

Stewardship and Resources Committee

Julie Mazzoleni - Chair

Fawn Johnson - Co-Chair

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© 2020 by Waupaca Chain O'Lakes Association, Inc.


Waupaca Chain O' Lakes Association, Inc.

PO Box 169

King, WI  54946

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