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Habitat Restoration on the Chain O’Lakes

The Fish Sustainability Subcommittee of the Waupaca Chain O' Lakes Association is dedicated to promoting fish populations in our waters through various efforts, including stocking native fish populations and repairing, adding, and preserving fish habitats.

This whole project started over 3 years ago and took a lot of coordination and labor to go into this important project. Fish stick placement is governed by the DNR, which requires permitting and a specific design.

The fish sustainability committee first purchased fingerling perch, which were released to different parts of the lakes in 2022 and 2023. Then, in 2024, the committee met with DNR personnel, who stated that it would be better to improve the FISH HABITAT rather than spend money on stocking, as it would produce better long-term results. We reached out to a private landowner who was interested in helping the environment.

The DNR then worked with the landowner and this committee to acquire the necessary permits. We were all set to start on this for the winter of 2023/2024; however, there was never a safe amount of formed ice to allow this to take place. The committee set aside $2,000 in their budget to pay for the DNR services. In addition, the Waupaca Chain O’Lakes District was approached for funding at their meeting on February 19, 2025. They generously approved funding of $2,000/year over the next 3 years!

On February 11, 2025, we finally had enough ice thickness, and the fishing sustainability committee, along with the DNR fish biologist Kyle Kossel and BEK Tree Services, harvested over 24 trees from 4 different sources. The property owners gave us permission and hired a tree service to harvest infected ash and oak trees. The DNR then dragged them across the ice on Columbia and Long Lakes to place in groups along the shore of Long Lake leading into Beasley Lake. Dan Johnson forged a path roadway with his UTV so that they could be transported and then pulled a lot of trees over to their new home. Gary DuChateau, Greg Warren, Jeff Treu, and I organized the trees and cleaned up the debris. 

February 18, 2025 - The coldest day of the year, and the dedicated team from the DNR and hardy volunteers looked to finish the first phase of the project by pulling the remaining trees in place, drilling, and cabling the trees together. Each cluster of trees was secured with 3/8 inch galvanized cables by drilling holes in each base and 15 feet out, cinching, and then securing to a tree on shore. This took 3 additional days to accomplish. We created 6 clusters, each one 50 feet apart according to DNR regulations.

Once the ice melts, these clusters will sink into the water and begin to provide a source for all types of aquatic organisms for many years to come. A permit was also granted for Camp Onaway for the spring of 2026. These permits will be good for 5 years, and the committee is hoping to add additional trees to increase our healthy lake habitat.

Adding fish sticks along shorelines will greatly increase food, shelter, and breeding habitat for all sorts of creatures, from small aquatic insects to fish, turtles, frogs, ducks, and songbirds. In addition, it can also help reduce lakeshore erosion. This woody structure provides a second life for trees, as useful in the water as they were on land.

We are also hoping to increase the location of fish sticks on public and private shorelines.

If you would like to participate or have questions, please reach out to me or the committee through our website HERE

SCROLL to see additional pictures

To understand the importance of fish sticks please select the link FISH STICKS: IMPROVING LAKE HABITAT and FISH STICKS: IMPROVING LAKE HABITAT with WOODY STRUCTURE


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Waupaca Chain O'Lakes Association

Fish Sustainability Committee

Mark Kunstman

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© 2020 by Waupaca Chain O'Lakes Association, Inc.


Waupaca Chain O' Lakes Association, Inc.

PO Box 169

King, WI  54946


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