Many Lakeshore owners around Waupaca County have been taking advantage of the Healthy Lakes and Rivers Grant Program.
Chances are YOU are also eligible for the grant. It's EASY and only takes a phone call.
The goal of the Healthy Lakes & Rivers Grant program is “to protect and restore the health of our lakes and rivers by increasing property owner participation in habitat restoration and runoff and erosion control projects.” The program provides grants of up to $1,000 for projects that enhance habitat and water quality. Additionally, the program offers access to professional expertise if needed.
Here is a short video as to why this is important for our lakes here in Waupaca.
Healthy Lakes and Rivers program promotes 5 best practice strategies:
· 350 sq ft Native Plantings: Creating an important buffer: Plantings of native
wildflowers, grasses, shrubs and trees, improves wildlife habitat, natural beauty
and privacy and decreases run-off.
- Fish Sticks: Submerged woody habitat structures. Create fish and wildlife habitat.
- Diversion: Practices to move or redirect run-off from going into the lakes.
Keeping out pollutants from water run-off.
- Rock Infiltration: Pits or trenches filled with rock to store and infiltrate run-off.
- Rain Gardens: Landscaped depressions to collect and filter run-off.
We're fortunate here in Waupaca County to have professionals who guide us through the entire process and will apply for the grant on our behalf. It couldn’t be easier; you just have to call and they’ll visit your property for an assessment. If you're eligible, they apply for the grant for you. It’s that easy.
Waupaca County contact for HEALTHY LAKES and RIVERS GRANT assistance and administration
Dan Mcfarlane - 715-258-6246 / daniel.mcfarlane@co.waupaca.wi.us
Taylor Hasz - 715-281-4423 / taylor.hasz@co.waupaca.wi.us
For detailed information, follow the link to Healthy Lakes and Rivers webpage: HERE
Here is a slideshow with a few pictures from lakeshore owners that have put in 350 sq ft native gardens and rain gardens in the area. (click on the picture and then arrows)
The Healthy Lakes and Rivers program is available to help us.
By diverting run-off, adding native plants, rain gardens and fish sticks to lake beds, we care for and protect our lake's health. In addition to cleaner water, we create an environment where wildlife can flurish with a rich diverstiy of fish, frogs, dragonflies, turtles, native plants and other unique aquatic communities.
It's important that we band together as lakeshore homeowners to protect our lakes delicate ecosystem. This way, we not only preserve its stability and balance for our enjoyment but also for the benefit of future generations.
Please feel free to contact Dan McFarlane or Taylor Hasz (contact information above) if you have any questions or want an assessment. You're also welcome to contact the WCOLA Stawardship Committee, Julie Mazzoleni or Fawn Johnson, if you have any questions or need any resource suggestions. We're here to help, we've been through the program and we're happy to assist. click HERE for e-mail addresses.
Julie Mazzoleni
Waupaca Chain O'Lakes Association
Stewardship and Resources Committee
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Waupaca Chain O'Lakes Association
Stewardship and Resources Committee
Chair(s): Julie Mazzoleni, Fawn Johnson